From design and development to testing and certification, Intertek offers solutions for Healthcare and Medical Lighting

When developed and used properly, lighting products can have a positive impact on diagnostic and healing processes. Well-designed lighting can reduce patient stress by mimicking familiar residential lighting, while still taking into consideration aspects of durability, maintenance, and sanitation. Lighting solutions can be specific to a patient care setting, or for surgical, procedural, or diagnostic applications.

Safety concerns for this marketplace include understanding when lighting products will be used near magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment, and developing non-ferromagnetic MRI-compatible lighting products.

In diagnostic applications, the specific spectral power distribution color of lighting is crucial for certain aspects of clinical observation, including the detection of cyanosis – a skin discoloration that can indicate low oxygen levels in the blood. Based on this, the industry has developed methodology for calculating Cyanosis Observation Index (COI) and color temperature requirements for lighting in healthcare environments.

To understand all of the various performance and safety criteria that could impact your product, including electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing, contact Intertek’s experts.


Verifying germicidal devices for efficacy, performance, and compliance with safety guidelines in the intended environment.
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