Managing a bespoke field laboratory procedures manual presents significant challenges, particularly with the need for regular updates to maintain legislative compliance and analytical accuracy. Our advanced catalogue offers an innovative solution to streamline the management of your laboratory management procedures.

A library for onshore and offshore processes
Our library offers a digital catalogue of procedures and policies which allow you to build your own laboratory manual in one central hub, with immediate web-based access to all of Intertek’s procedures., eliminating the complexities and costs of creating and maintaining your own procedures from scratch. Shared procedures promote industry-wide standardisation through collaborative, cost-effective solutions available to all operators. Intertek’s online laboratory manual covers a wide range of procedures required for both offshore and onshore labs, including:

  • Sampling & Sample Handling
  • Oil/Gas/Water Analysis
  • Microbial Analysis
  • Oil Condition Monitoring & Utilities
  • Laboratory Management

Your bespoke field procedures management manual
Intertek’s online library streamlines the management of laboratory procedures, providing access to the latest, most accurate information in a cost-effective and user-friendly format. Our online manual maintains up-to-date technical, analytical, safety, and laboratory management procedures for all analytical equipment used in the UK North Sea, for our offshore operations. The catalogue is regularly updated, and additional procedures are added at no extra cost to subscribers. Automated notifications ensure you are always informed of these updates and continue to have access to the latest procedures. Clients using our online lab manual benefit from:

  • Comprehensive coverage: Our library can replace or supplement your existing asset procedures and manuals.
  • Compliance: Stay compliant with the latest regulatory requirements, such as Oil in Water updates.
    Immediate web-based access: Benefit from our vast database of field laboratory procedures anytime, anywhere.
  • Downloadable procedures to build your own lab manual: Easily build a bespoke asset manual by downloading selected procedures best suited to your lab requirements.
  • Paperless system: Streamline your operations with a fully digital library.
  • Automated notifications: Receive automatic email alerts for new or updated procedures, so you’re always up to speed.
  • Industry-wide standardisation: Benefit from a consistent approach across all assets and operators.
  • Procedure request: Request new procedures not listed in the library.
  • Small monthly subscription: Access our lab manual library without any initial investment, paying only a small monthly fee.
  • Cost-free procedure revisions: Enjoy peace of mind with free updates and additions to procedures.
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