Manufacturers and other applicants who export electrical equipment and appliances into the Gulf Region’s seven Gulf Standards Organization Countries (GSO) are obligated to meet specific requirements and certifications regarding product safety, energy-efficiency, and environmental compliance.

The GSO member nations are:

  • State of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Sultanate of Oman
  • State of Qatar
  • State of Kuwait
  • Republic of Yemen

In the rapidly-changing Gulf Coordinating Council (GCC) market, the ability for a manufacturer, importer, or agent to certify that products comply with all current standards helps to not only open up new markets for business, but also assures end users that your brand complies with all applicable performance, safety, energy, and environmental standards.

Because standards and submission procedures for electrical and electronic equipment, sub-assemblies, and components can be burdensome to administer, manufacturers are advised to partner with a skilled third-party organization such as Intertek with expertise in the global standards, testing, and compliance processes.

Featured Regulations
Intertek’s broad range of expert certification services support both regional requirements (i.e. the GSO G mark) and national requirements (i.e. the Emirates Conformity Assessment System (ECAS), new guidelines for Product Certificate of Conformity, and Shipment Certificate of Conformity for Saudi Arabia and KUCAS for Kuwait). Learn more about specific regional and national requirements on our dedicated topic pages.

  • GSO Gulf Mark (G Mark) – covering Low-Voltage Equipment
  • ESMA ECAS and Emirates Quality Mark (EQM) – covering Low-Voltage Equipment, Energy Efficiency Standards Labelling (EESL), Lighting, RoHS, and ECAS Ex (electrical equipment explosive atmospheres)
  • New guidelines for “Product Certificate of Conformity, and Shipment Certificate of Conformity” covering GSO “G” Mark Low-Voltage Equipment, Energy Efficiency, Electric Vehicles (energy storage), and Gas Products (Natural Gas & Liquid Petroleum Gas)
  • Kuwait Conformity Assurance Scheme (KUCAS) – covering Energy Efficiency and GSO “G” Mark Low-Voltage Equipment

Your Roadmap to Compliance
Intertek’s global matrix of laboratories and certification bodies allow us to offer the broadest range of expertise in assurance, testing, inspection, and certification. Our go-to experts offer solutions for product certification programs, market access services, and total peace of mind for manufacturers and importers seeking to export products to the Gulf Region.

For more information on current regulations, products in scope, obligations of the applicant or manufacturer, and how Intertek can help you meet the mandatory requirements for exporting electrical equipment and appliances into the Gulf Region, contact us today.

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Global Market Access: KSA SALEEM SABER

Thomas Edison sitting next to an Edison lightbulb with a black background

Thomas Edison’s Legacy

Thomas Edison and innovation go hand in hand. His ground breaking inventions in the 19th century introduced the world to sound recording and playback, motion pictures, electric light, and the practicality of product testing.

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